Weeding is important day to anyone. The girl, the boy, the family, all people are expected the Big Day. To have a beautiful wedding album, elegant wedding video, to keep memories of their wedding, it's necessary to get a Wedding Theme Photography. And now is the wonderful ones- Wedding Emotions.
Wedding Theme Photography
Today, with a girl, this is the most important day of her life; the day she's dreamed of since she was a little girl; the day her life as a woman officially commences; her big day, big big day…
It's her wedding day.
Wedding Emotions is a beautiful, elegant theme for wedding chronicles, wedding photography and other professional photography portfolios. This theme offers several homepage layout options and sliders, including video support. Many grid portfolio and gallery options are available as well. View screenshots below.
This theme has been created for weddings, photographers and people who want to keep in the history of their wedding. The theme has a lot of settings and features. You also have the opportunity to create absolutely any page using the popular Page Builder.
Some main features of Wedding emotions:
- Fully Responsive
- Extended photography support – cover/proportional view, thumbnails, masonry, Kenburns slider and many more
- Masonry/Metro/Grid layout
- Availability Calendar
- 3 Premium responsive sliders!
- You can change typography, colors, paddings and other settings and see the changes immediately!
- Video intro page
- Easy settings backup. You can experiment with your site appearance and return to your previously saved version at any time.
- Highly optimized for speed. Theme smartly chooses appropriate image size for the page, which greatly reduces the bandwidth.
- Custom text logo. With lots of typography options and 600+ Google Fonts you can create fantastic logos!
- Metro portfolio layout with filter, 6/4 columns
- Justified Grid portfolio layout 6/4 columns
- AJAX-powered blog/portfolio with Load More/infinite scroll options
- WordPress 4.2 and earlier Ready
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Valid Code W3C checked
- Bootstrap Framework
- SEO optimized
- Powerfull admin panel
- +1200 icomoon icons
- etc...
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